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rigid pavement中文是什么意思

用"rigid pavement"造句"rigid pavement"怎么读"rigid pavement" in a sentence


  • 刚性路面;混凝土路面
  • 刚性铺面
  • 硬路面


  • The construction application to rigid pavement of domestic tl - 3 shearing picks
  • Study on void identifying of rigid pavement based on integrated neural networks
  • Cause and preventive treatment of destruction to rigid pavement of road in populated area
  • A tentative discussion on transverse joint repair of basic rigid and semi - rigid pavement of asphalt
  • The target of this paper is to set up a method of design for rigid pavement under the aircraft load
  • Rigid pavement of airport consists of many cement concrete plates . the plates are joined by many joints . these joints can transfer load
  • This paper is absorbed in the research of the nondestructive testing theory about airport rigid pavements , which is on semi - infinite viscoelastic foundation to moving load
  • In order to improve the load transfer ability of the highway with heavy traffic , a dowel bar can be installed in the contraction joint of the rigid pavement
  • Harik , i . e . , jianping , p . , southgate , h . , and allen , d . , “ temperature effects on rigid pavements , ” journal of transportation engineering , asce , vol . 120 , no . 1 , jenuary / february , pp . 127 - 143 ( 1994 )
    周镒? ,刚性铺面受糙度与移动车体质量引发动态荷重影响分析,硕士论文,国立成功大学土木工程研究所,台南( 2003 ) 。
  • This paper has done some basic researches on this . by measuring the response of rigid pavement structure under moving vehicle loads we use structure inversion technology to realize moving loads identification
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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